martes, 29 de abril de 2014

The light Bulb Conspiracy 

After facing a serious recession America has to find a way to make it's economy rise again. Bernard London had the answer, he came up with the idea of a system that would give things a certain time period, after they expired people would need to buy this things again so the economy would receive the bump she needed to rise again. But what they didn't know were the consequences this would bring in a long term future to our world and economy. The first industry that started with this system was the light bulb industry, after a meeting in which most of the world light bulb industries participated, they came up with a set of rules and specifications all of the companies around the world had to follow when making their light bulbs. Specifications as reducing its time period from 2500 hours to just 1000 hours had to be followed or else they would be fined for not following the contract they had made. The light bulb industry wasn't the only one, many other companies started asking their engineers for more fragile products that would have a short period of time that would help them increase their selling as their products damage. But what they didn't studied was the consequences this planed obsolescence would have in future generations.

Our world today has being changed into a huge garbage can. Where first world countries send their garbage and wastes to third world countries making this places their junkyard. Most of the technological garbage ends up in african countries. Garbage that no longer works, however this is not what this countries say they tell the international community that this are donations to these poor countries so they can keep ahead with technology. Junkyards as big as a soccer fields all filled by technological garbage which only value is the amount of metal they can get out of it. Not taking into account the huge damage they do to our environment, when they burn the cables to take the wire from it. It is not just the environmental wastes disposal that affect our world, it is as well the uncontrollable use of our natural resources that are being exploited. And that can be taken to a point in which we don't have more of those.    

domingo, 27 de abril de 2014

Four Horsemen 

The film Four Horsemen is our eye opening to some things that are showing the deterioration of the american empire. America is acquiring a huge debt within itself for the reason of making paper money without having any real money to support the production and distribution of this money. It's unstable economy has being showed with multiple Depressions the country has faced. Just as some past civilization this world power country is starting to show the main weakness of a big empire that will take them to the imminent collapse.

This collapse will make the world take a drastic change due to the kind of problems it will generate to the country and the other countries that have some kind of economic agreements. The world will have to face some wars because more of one country will want to be at the top of the world economy. However in my personal case and for my country i think that would have to face a period of shortage due to the fact that our country is starting to import many things from other countries things we could make in our country and that could mean a good position regard other countries. 

miércoles, 2 de abril de 2014

Race Post

question 2
prompt 3

   Gender is another mental division that the male gender has created to underestimate the female gender. It is true that men can develop better in some aspects that in their majority are just physical aspects. However this margination women has had during the past years is disappearing little by little by women effort to fight for their rights. As they once did in order to express their ideals and what would fit better to them by having the opportunity to vote, a process that took them over a century to accomplished. But still no a days some women have to face male chauvinist that are not willing to make their relationship equal and that feel that they are not men if they don't ruled over their wife or houses.

   Incredibly although you think race and economics don't have a relation, they do share a big bond that will either give advantages or disadvantages to you. Race is a mental division human has created that consists in classifying you by your aspect or color. Since previous time white people have been dominant over black people, but after the fight of the black people for equality this has get a little better. But yet you can see the economic margination that this race problem has caused, just turn your head around look for a white persons house, now look at a black persons house their is a huge difference. Why? This significant difference has to do with the black race being inferior over the last centuries, the lack of laws and protection they had allowed white people to treat them as things that were replaceable. With no one to fight with white race became the owner of the factories and industries that are still ruled by white men. Being this the huge caused of difference between one race and the other.    

Power Post

question 1
Prompt 2

   For many years race has been defined for your colored, nationality or ethnicity. In the video we saw two weeks ago we were shown that there was not scientific way of proving your race, and that this was just a human ideal and vision of the people that were different from them. No one can hide that actually your race back in the days determined wether you were going to work or rule. This being the case of spanish conquers coming to america and settling, after being settle they start conquering the civilizations and bringing slaves from africa to work on fields. So did the british people did with the slaves from africa, the idea that this race was a inferior start establishing.

  The next decades black people had to fight for their rights and the establishments of a set of laws that say that everyone is born free and equal. However still now a days your race will determine your privilege, power and perspective of the world. This is because in my country i was born in a certain community that has wealth and that has influence in big things, a race color that is known for having wealthiness. Not a color that is known for having very little food, money or influence. But still i would say that in a country as Colombia this race privilege are not as notorious as in the United States.
Choice Post

   This post will talk about the mysterious disappearance of the flight 370 of Malaysia Airlines. This 
event took place on March 8 2014, after in less than an hour the aircraft went missing. Carrying 227 passengers of 14 nationalities and 12 crew members, the search for the aircraft model Boeing 777-200ER was immediate. The flight was scheduled form Kuala Lumpur international airport to Beijing capital international airpot, on a flight that would normally take 6 hours. The theories of what had happend to the airplane were various.

  Investigators first theories were that the airplane had been kidnaped due to the fact that their communications were lost as well as their radar position. As time passed this theory was less likely,and after two days of investigations this theory was changed.The actual theory investigators are working on, is the posible crash of the airplane into the sea. So the search of aircraft pieces has being focused in the gulf of thailand and the south china sea places the airplane could had crash into. But as time passes the probabilities of finding the airplane are fewer as well as the reason of this posible crashed because the flight recorder has just few hours of life.

miércoles, 12 de marzo de 2014

Post 3

Syria Video

Unbelievably as i was looking my Facebook, i found this particular video that called my attention. The video is from a campaign called "Saving the children", and this particular video referred to syria. In the video we see how would it be for a britanic girl go through what syrian kids are going. How in less than a year her family and herself are almost dead, by the conflict " Britain is facing.
Post 2

Venezuela Crisis

During the past few days Venezuela has been centered of protest and manifestations. The problem has started due to the bad economic situation Venezuela is affronting, so the people of the opposition called to those peaceful marches. However president Nicolas Maduro has taken the manifestations as demostrations to overthrow his government. Taking harsh actions like telling the police to take into custody the main leaders of the protests. But not only this actions have made the people angrier, the closing of news tv channels that were showing this marches from side of opposition have been closed. As well we have to emphasize that venezuela has being closing just the channels that don't belong to them, making a total control of the media to used them in their advantage. Channels as CNN and NTN24 broadcasts of the united states and Colombia. In this last days the protests have become more agressve and there has being a excesive use of police force.

domingo, 9 de marzo de 2014

Post 1

Ukraine Crisis

Ukraine is a country that is having trouble this last months. Since last year the disrupts started all because president Viktor Yanukovich didn't want to sing the agreement to join the european union. Something they had been looking for years, the first group that react to this decision was the student movement. Making huge peaceful manifestation to make the government changed that decision, but so far the only thing they had achieve is the changed of the president Yanukovich. In the few last days this manifestations have become more violent and the use of extreme force has being apply by the police, because they have uploaded to the internet videos of police snipers shooting protesters. The riots have left a dozen of dead police officers and hundreds of wounded civilians.

Ukraine protesters fighting the police. 

viernes, 21 de febrero de 2014

                                                              Welcome to my blog!

Hi, my name is Hernando Lizarazo i'm from Bucaramanga, Colombia i am 17 years old and the purpose of this blog is analyze what is happening in Syria. My hobbies are playing basketball and going out with my friends.