miércoles, 12 de marzo de 2014

Post 3

Syria Video

Unbelievably as i was looking my Facebook, i found this particular video that called my attention. The video is from a campaign called "Saving the children", and this particular video referred to syria. In the video we see how would it be for a britanic girl go through what syrian kids are going. How in less than a year her family and herself are almost dead, by the conflict " Britain is facing.

Post 2

Venezuela Crisis

During the past few days Venezuela has been centered of protest and manifestations. The problem has started due to the bad economic situation Venezuela is affronting, so the people of the opposition called to those peaceful marches. However president Nicolas Maduro has taken the manifestations as demostrations to overthrow his government. Taking harsh actions like telling the police to take into custody the main leaders of the protests. But not only this actions have made the people angrier, the closing of news tv channels that were showing this marches from side of opposition have been closed. As well we have to emphasize that venezuela has being closing just the channels that don't belong to them, making a total control of the media to used them in their advantage. Channels as CNN and NTN24 broadcasts of the united states and Colombia. In this last days the protests have become more agressve and there has being a excesive use of police force.

domingo, 9 de marzo de 2014

Post 1

Ukraine Crisis

Ukraine is a country that is having trouble this last months. Since last year the disrupts started all because president Viktor Yanukovich didn't want to sing the agreement to join the european union. Something they had been looking for years, the first group that react to this decision was the student movement. Making huge peaceful manifestation to make the government changed that decision, but so far the only thing they had achieve is the changed of the president Yanukovich. In the few last days this manifestations have become more violent and the use of extreme force has being apply by the police, because they have uploaded to the internet videos of police snipers shooting protesters. The riots have left a dozen of dead police officers and hundreds of wounded civilians.

Ukraine protesters fighting the police.